Fourth South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatology (SARCD IV)

Fourth South Asian Regional Conference of Dermatology (SARCD IV)

4th SARCD was held from 3rd - 6th of February 2005 in New Delhi, India, in conjunction with the 33rd annual meeting of the IADVL. Pre congress workshop was held in Lady Harding's Medical College. The venue of the conference was Ashoka Hotel.

The Fourth SARCD Conference organized by IADVL in New Delhi took place from 3rd till 6th February 2005 at Ashoka Hotel. Twelve dermatologists from SODVELON participated during this meet. Momentos were presented to SARAD members during this meet.

  On the first day, several CME programmes were followed by the inauguration ceremony in the evening. It was a well-organized event, which received state patronage. His Excellency B. L. Joshi, Governor of New Delhi graced the occasion as the chief guest. Representatives from India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Sri Lanka participated in the ceremony. Dr. W. D. H. Perera, President of SARAD addressed the audience briefly, explaining the history, current status and future aims of SARAD.

 Scientific programme included several orations, many focus sessions and a large no. of posters covering a wide variety of topics relevant to the region.

Social events including cultural programmes and tours enhanced the interactions among participants from member countries.

SARAD members Dr. H. N. Gupta (treasurer), Dr. D. B. Pokhrel, Dr. Farooque Ahmed Mikrani had attended the SARAD Executive Committee Meeting. Dr. V. B. Rajbhandari, SARAD representative for SAARC Secretariat, Dr. Anil K. Jha and Dr. Kamala Burathoki had also attended. They had participated during the SARAD General Body Meeting also.

SARAD General Body Meeting elected the following to the Fourth Executive Committee of SARAD unanimously. .

  • President.                      Dr. K.K.Raja Babu (India).
  • Vice President              Dr. Badr.S.Dhanani (Pakistan).
  • Secretary General.      Dr. S. Sachidananda (India).
  • Treasurer                        Dr. Hari Narayan Gupta (Nepal) .
  • Joint Secretary             Dr. A.S.M.Zakaria  (Bangladesh).



    Prof. A. K. Md. Shadidul Islam.

    Prof. M. Shahid Ullah


    Dr. Suresh P. Joshipura


    Dr. A.K.Jha

    Dr. Kamala Budhathoki

    Sri Lanka:  


    Dr. Ganga Sirimanna

    Dr. KulaBuddhakorolasiri


     Prof. Tahir Saeed Haroon.

     Prof. Sabrina Suhail Pal

     Prof. S. A. H. Kazmi ( Co-opted)

     Dr. Vijaya Bahadur Rajbhandari was appointed as local representative to deal with SAARC Secretariat.                                      

The 8th SARAD Executive meeting was held on 2nd February 2006 at Hyderabad which was attended by most of the executive members (except Pakistan) and some invitees including that of Nepal. The meeting focused on the SARAD Scholarship, next SARCD and the SARAD budget. Since, Pakistan had shown its inability to hold SARCD in 2007, the meeting decided to request Pakistan to rethink on their decision and to inform the SARAD executive within one month. If they insist on their inability, SARAD will inform the member countries about their decision and other member countries in sequential order will be approached for the conference.