Message From President

Message From President

Dear Esteemed Members,

I am honored to address you as the President of the South Asian Regional Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists & Leprologists (SARAD), an organization with a venerable history of over two decades dedicated to serving the dermatological community across the SAARC nations.

Throughout its illustrious journey, SARAD has flourished under the stewardship of various executive bodies. Each step forward has been carved out through the concerted efforts of our members, guided by the wisdom and dedication of all past Presidents and Executive Committee members. Their collective contributions have been the cornerstone of SARAD’s growth and success.

As we stand on the shoulders of these giants, it is with a sense of profound responsibility and optimism that I look to the future. Our mission remains as vital as ever, and I am committed to advancing our cause with unwavering dedication. Together, we will continue to foster innovation, promote excellence in practice, and contribute to the progress of dermatology, venereology, and leprology in our region.

SARAD will persistently seek out new frontiers of innovation and knowledge, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements in our field. I eagerly anticipate collaborating with each of you as we uphold the legacy of our predecessors and forge a path toward a future replete with achievements and discoveries.

With warm regards

Dr. Janaka Akarawita

President, SARAD